Thursday, April 9, 2015

There are so many health conditions that can render man inactive and make life difficult and frustrated. We tend to think that chronic illness are the only health conditions that can break down man's life activities but some ignored conditions are very important to our well-being. One of those conditions is back pain; it makes life so frustrating particularly the associated pains which can be unbearable. Orthopedic therapy is a medical term that deals with the problem of back pain; it is a special way of treating affected patients using either surgical or non-surgical therapy.   

Non-surgical treatment

This method is a simple method of treating back pain; it involves the use of proper techniques to reduce the pains. Before taking on any move when back injuries occur it is advisable to see a professional spine doctor to examine and evaluate the degree of damage done to the back and prescribe adequate treatment and gives advice on how to prevent future injuries.  There are different types of non-surgical treatment for back pain which include; 

  • pain relief medication 
  • application of heat or ice 
  • application of pressure to the lower back 
  • physical therapy (exercise) 
  • electro-therapy. 

Surgical treatment of back pain 

This method of treating and managing back pain is considered as the very last option of spine therapy when non-surgical method fails. It is a complicated surgery which requires the expertise of a professional to carry out the operation. There are risks and benefits in choosing back surgery but in some cases the patients do not have any other option to relief the pain. Some of the types of surgical method of treating back pain include: 

  • spinal fusion
  • disc replacement 
  • inter-laminar implant
  • discectomy 
  • laminectomy 
  • foraminotomy.

Back pain occurs as a result of advancement in age or weight gain, it could also be traced to heredity and inadequate physical exercises. In rare cases, smoking is known to increase the risk of back pain while some health conditions like cancer and vascular disease are likely causes of this illness. 
By knowing the likely causes of back pain is an opportunity to take certain measures to prevent it. The most common preventive measure is to take part in regular physical exercises in order to prevent the back muscle. Surgical treatment has risks and benefits but the risks can be minimized when you are in contact with a qualified spine doctor.

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